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Pakal Program

Series of space missions in evolutionary stages which will allow testing new space propulsion technology and a miniaturized mechanism capable of obtaining measurements of atmospheric density in low Earth orbit.

The vision of Misión Pakal is to contribute to orbital debris mitigation efforts, through the development of a 3U Cubesat (nanosatellite) for the investigation of atmospheric parameters and the advancement of space technology in Mexico.


Beyond creating nanosatellites, Misión Pakal and the Colibrí Laboratory are of great value in causing a radical change in the Mexican space industry, which will no longer be limited to the manufacture of parts only, but also to the integration and incorporation of components that complete the national technological value chain (very little developed to date) that comprise the analysis data, the design, development, integration, implementation and operation of satellites. Likewise, this project will train new generations of specialized professionals.

Pakal I Mission

CubeSat platform as a surveillance system for aircraft that currently have ADS-B technology. Collect information from aircraft throughout the satellite's orbit over Mexico and its ocean. Verify connectivity with ET in Aguascalientes.

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